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      您的位置: 主頁 > 博士后招聘 > 海外博士后招聘 >


      來 源:科學人才網


      美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences,United States,縮寫:NAS)成立于1863年,是由美國著名科學家組成的科學組織,其成員在任期內無償地作為“全國科學、工程和醫藥的顧問”,是美國科學界榮譽性及政府咨詢機構。



      Postdoctoral Research Associates - NRC Research Associateship Programs


      The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine


      Various locations in the U.S.


      Commensurate with education and experience

      Closing date

      Jul 10, 2024

      The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior research awards at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions at locations throughout the U.S and abroad.

      We are seeking highly qualified candidates who hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate in a variety of fields of science or engineering. Degrees from foreign universities should be equivalent in training and research experience to a doctoral degree from a U.S. institution. Citizenship eligibility varies among the sponsoring laboratories.

      Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):

      February 1

      May 1

      August 1

      November 1

      Awardees have the opportunity to:

      Conduct independent research in an area compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratory

      Devote full-time effort to research and publication

      Access the excellent and often unique facilities of the federal research enterprise

      Collaborate with leading scientists and engineers at the sponsoring laboratories

      Awardee benefits include:

      Stipends ranging from $45,000 to $102,000; may be higher based on experience

      Health insurance (including dental and vision), relocation benefits, and a professional travel allowance

      For detailed program information, to search Research Opportunities, and to contact prospective Research Adviser(s) visit www.nas.edu/rap.

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