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      您的位置: 主頁 > 博士后招聘 > 海外博士后招聘 >


      來 源:科學人才網


      哈佛醫學院(Harvard Medical School,簡稱:HMS)是世界上最頂尖的醫學院,它因高超的醫學技術與每年錄取的學生最少而聞名世界。與商學院,法學院共同占有世界高等學術殿堂的一席地位。學院每年錄取的國際學生極少極少,這樣保證了學生的質量。

      Postdoctoral Research Fellow


      Boston Children’s Hospital-Ozcan Lab


      Boston, Massachusetts (US)


      Competitive salary and benefits

      Closing date

      2 Jul 2024

      Postdoctoral Fellow Positions in Harvard Medical School For

      Obesity-Related Neuroscience Research

      Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Ozcan Laboratory in the Division of Endocrinology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

      The positions are offered to study the role hypothalamic leptin resistance in control of neuron activity, body weight, feeding behavior and metabolic homeostasis obesity. The interested candidates can check our publications in this area to understand the research interests of our lab better:

      Ozcan L, et al. Cell Metabolism. 2009 Jan 7;9(1):35-51. Endoplasmic reticulum stress plays a central role in development of leptin resistance. Liu J et al., Cell. 2015 May 21;161(5):999-1011. Treatment of obesity with celastrol. Lee J et al., Nature Medicine. 2016 Sep;22(9):1023-32. Withaferin A is a leptin sensitizer with strong antidiabetic properties in mice. Feng X, et al., Nature Medicine. 2019 March 4-Online publication. IL1R1 is required for celastrol’s leptin-sensitization and antiobesity effects. Guan D, et al., Cell Metabolism, 2024. Central Inhibition of HDAC6 re-sensitizes leptin signaling during obesity to induce profound weight loss.

      The ideal candidates for both positions should have a Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degrees with strong experience in neuroscience, molecular biology and technical skills to perform intracranial injections evident by peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals. These positions will also include anti-obesity drug development and will provide the fellows opportunity to also learn early drug discovery and development approaches. Highly competitive salary and benefits will be provided.

      Interested candidates should forward their research interests, curriculum vitae along with the name and contact information of three referees to Dr. Umut Ozcan; e-mail: umut.ozcan@childrens.harvard.edu.

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